Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why I Remain a Low Profile

"Hey sis , you were supposed to perform onstage last night. How come I didn't see you?" Good question, honey, good question.

Well, you got me. I can't deny when I saw people swirling, cavorting, singing and dancing under the spotlight, my heart also inched for a sparkling premiere. So back to the question, why didn't I go for it? If there's something my 21 years of life has taught me,it should be the courage to give up in order to gain. I've already spent too much time smelling the coffee and to be honest, some urgent clarion call of the upcoming final term has stirred up a helpless tension on my nerves. I fear somewhere in my mind there is this flash point, waiting for certain incidences to set it off.

You may wonder: What's the fuss? Let's say, nothing really matters if you stop caring. But unfortunately I was born with ambitions, which steadily ungrade themselves as my personal capability develops. Hence I shall never slow down my steps.

It's always the empty vessels that make the biggest noise.

Don't take me wrong. I mean no offence to those who went out of their way to do the rehearsal tirelessly. They were adamant in claiming the benefit generated from involvement in the repertoire. To be honest, this festival was meant to be lots of fun and for sure simply being a part of it is reward enough. But is the cake really worth the candle? My doubt remains. I could vividly recall the days when most actors and actresses were busy preparing for the grand finale. They trade their time for sweat and never ceased to memorize their lines( required in every drama play and I was "honorably" asked to write some of the script ). Girls sacrificed their precious beauty sleep and burnt the night oil; boys put football in cold storage and scratched their heads over awkward pronunciations. I've been wondering, what's in it for them? Any extra bonus?

Maybe I'm the one who's mistaken and maybe I'm to shallow to see why the show could receive so much hype and fanfare. Well, I guess I'm just sleepy...

Time betrayed me and wasn't on my side. Therefore, I had to follow my tight schedule and "play shy". Someone told me the better diction should be" hide my light under the bushel", but whatever, as long as my idea is successfully conveyed. Guess that should be no sweat, isn't it?

Yawning...I'm off to the land of Nod now...Fatigue finally did me in...

Busy catching my 40 winks already... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ