Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On my need of a truant officer

"Wow, look who is here in class today!" I've had enough of that comment, people! To be honest, I'm the one who feel extremely embarrassed everytime you guys toss me words like that. Insensitive as I am, I could still tell it's already beyond facetious banter, kind of ill-disposed.

No big. I hear you say? Well, come on! Certainly it's not you who have to stand the shower of curious eyes staring— Each time there are tons of butterflies in my stomach and I have to look away immediately to avoid a sudden impulse to puke.

If you happen to know me, you may not believe all the abovesaid is true. However, it's as sure as eggs is eggs( Ever heard of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde? ). I cannot justify myself to any one who holds a reasonable doubt over my school results: "Check her out! I bet she always cheats in exams." "How come she comes first everytime?" " I heard she had a higher IQ and a prodigiously retentive(tenacious) memory." Rumours spread around on shank's pony. The first time I was told to behave myself and toe the lines, I was like: Sorry, what is it???

There's no smoke without fire. Well, I admit it. Part of the issue is I find myself coercively dragging my feet when clock is ticking for classes. It's like some magnetic power is pulling me away. I'm fully aware procrastination is undoubtedly a terrible habit but the inertia of ease won't yield to my struggle. Born in a family where my mom is a teacher herself, I definitely was taught to have enough respect as an innate gift towards teachers . Although I may never be bracketed with those "obedient and tame" children, a certain amount of personal grip is not hard to be found in me.

But unfortunately, things have changed since I came to college— too many temptations dazzling my eyes, too much spare time left to my own governing. Hence, ineffective self-management popped out as a severe problem, which is looming and threatening. I used to gasp at nights for answers that could tide me over and hold me back from the morass. Darkness calmed me down, for it's far less distractive, in the harbor of which I could finally let my messy mind straighten itself out and my soul swim in a retrospective mood.

Two years ago, I entered this university as an A1 student with the highest mark in English. Enjoying some sort of head start, I took all the exams as no-brainers and easily blew my teachers away. Nevertheless, this semester's German course has presented itself as the first lion in the way. I learned a hard lesson from last mid-term test that IF I SNOOZE , I LOSE. Talents are merely propellants of a person's life, which suggests if we stop working and begin to fool around, the end of our academic journey will be transformed from a fiesta to a fiasco.

As a tough girl, I am supposed to fight the inner battle real hard. I hate myself being slack and random. But it seems the last-minute pressure always acts as a magical stimulus, with the help of which I'm able to get myself together, think clearly and march on. Over time, I've become even lazier and less organized.

"Keep up with the other kids and don't straggle!" This is probably the most famous catch phrase used daily by primary school teachers. And it did work wonders on me when I was small. Sadly, since my age doesn't approve me of any privilege of getting away with willful activity any more, I have to fall in line and avoid making a spectacle of myself. But deep down, my heart is still yearning for someone to watch over me ( a pure psycho, am i not?)!!

Thanks if any of you feel an urge to tell me that" Every man has his pet peeve." ...Seriously I know better... Enough if enough. I have got to step out of my comfort zone and face the music already. No more skip of classes from tomorrow on and I here promise to be the truant officer to keep myself under surveillance.

Time to get my butt in gear and chop chop! Sarah versus Final exams, the game is on!