Tuesday, December 23, 2008

About Dreams

Ever since I started using the electric blanket, my nights have been haunted by multihued dreams, so much so that I sometimes can hardly tell whether I'm still fast asleep or wide awake.


Funny that nobody else is able to visualize my dreams with all his imagination. So I could carefreely nestle in my cosy niche built on the sand of Utopia. What a pleasure!

However, many is the dream left undeciphered——they are even too thorny a problem for me.

Is there any way to untangle the knotted string? You tell me?

It's said in the book of I Ching, that what occurs in one's dreams has something to do with what's on his or her mind during the day, to wit, nothing comes from nothing. Those colorful mental movies are actually a reflection of one's subconscious psychological activity. Pretty occult, isn't it?

Aaron told me the other day that he dreamed of proposing to me."It's just strange that my dreams are usually nothing remotely nice..." he said, and I quote. I was practically moved(stupid, sentimental, girly) for that was the first time a man had ever popped the question to me, even if it didn't happen virtually(I'm good at picturing stories or maybe I was actually there in his dream via some magic called bilocation?). At least it reveals he has a feeling about me, more or less, doesn't it?

Everytime I have an nightmare, I'd do whatever I can to drive it out of my mind, whereas beautiful dreams always make me relunctant to wake up...Lingering in a fictitious world, as long as it's marvelous, also proves yummy enough to make one laugh.

Adorable dreams keep tickling me from time to time. How I wish some of them could come true one day! Please please be quick, cause I don't want the regret Samuel Johnson had centuries ago:"... had it been early, had been kind; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent and cannot enjoy it; till i am solitary and cannot impart it; till I am known and do not want it."

The end.