Friday, December 26, 2008

Things That I Do Know

Sometimes Sarah is a total jerk and she doesn't even know her brain from her esophagus.

Too much sesame cream makes one's body inflate(try explode?).

People you know from Skype could be incredibly cool or crappy.

You'll die before your foes fall in love with you(vendetta or venom never vanish easily).

Self-pity sucks. When there's no turning around, face the music!

Time and women wait for no men.

Compliments are some kind of perfume to smell but not to drink.

What really counts is "a matter of tact" instead of "a matter of fact".

The moment you hold yourself to be brilliant is probably the moment you are deemed to be stupid.

Say something wise or say nothing at all.

Never try to outsmart your audience.

Don't be afraid of changes. You keep changing anyway.

He who says it's ok if you leave him may be the one who loves you the most.

Nothing beats the feeling when there's something to look forward to.

Once you've got a loving family, life is promising, no matter what.