Thursday, April 9, 2009

When I Feel Hungry

A texted me the other day, asking,"Haven't heard from ya for a while.. Did your high cholesterol get you?" My head went all blank at that moment in time and then some annoying thoughts flashed back —— Well, admit it S, you are sick.

Yeah, delicious scoop, isn't it? I am SICK. The number of my cholesterol level poses itself as a looming threat to my health, if not, my entire life. Subconsciously, I might have told myself millions of times that both the creamy sesame paste and the oily hotpot are very likely to boost my blood fat, when had too much, yet my mind was clogged enough to dictate any salubrious changes. Eight packs of sesame cream per day + three meals(including a hotpot dinner)= 4000 Cal... Guys, have I told you that Sarah used to be nothing but an idiotic person with bonkers ideas? The moment we got the news, on my old folks' faces immediately showed some overwhelming anxiety while I was trying to mask my own. It's my stinky mess and I have to clear it up, myself.

One month and a half has passed and every day of it was spent with me calculating Cals of food and making exquisite choices of what I should eat and what not. Life suddenly became more energy consuming and brain racking.. S, you definitely need to take care of yourself now, otherwise it's almost dead cinch that you will end up in hospital, sobbing in those so-called safe hands. No,NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!

During the spring break, I stayed in Taipei with a friend's family for four days. It was a purely pleasant memory. We danced at Lava, one famous night club there and had plenty of fun. My lately purchased camera did a wonderful job in taking snapshots. Later on I'm gonna post several pics here in case someone is interested. A little warning in advance: Sarah is still a rookie at making up —— I even forgot to paint my eyebrows @ Lava!

Just back from a convenience store and bought some fruit, milk and oatmeal... What a nutrient diet! S is on her way to becoming a real princess, a slim beauty with royal glamor!