Saturday, April 18, 2009

Teeeeeerry, You Know I HEART You

The video perhaps says much more than I could ever do. So click on the link below(In case it doesn't load on blogspot).

Please... Nobody in the world will deny the chance to share the happiness of a girl overwhelmed with joy!

It's gonna be my B-day soon, by soon I mean VERY! Merely three days to go... My very sweet guy friend Terry sent me a sweet bunch of flowers from the states and it was a pure surprise God himself could ever design for any human beings... I looooooooved it!

By the way, Sarah's real name(If you know me for a while) is Jessie, and Terry's first nam is Joe, so we are group J&J!

Surprises!!! Halleluyah to a blessed girl on her big day!

Mind joining me and tangoing?