Monday, April 13, 2009

the Debate Season Is Coming Around

Last year today, I was an elated&lucky BRAT who had just made herself into the national debating competition final. Logic, as has shaped people's values during their cognitive developments, constantly tingles my soul and brings out the best in me.

I heard you. But NAH, I am a GIRL. Who says the world of reasoning is only the private realm of, MEN?

Those pitched debating battles I've experienced have engraved on my mind some invaluabe "technical know-how":

(1) For the most part, sincerely expressed respect is all it takes to keep a rival's momentum afloat. There are no glorious victors unless it is a close game and hard fought.

(2) Surprisingly, the anger of your opponents can be easily appeased with you allowing him or her to disagree.

(3) The closer you approach the core of an issue, the more easily you get lost.

Hence, to be a great debater, we must

(1) Differ with polite sophistication. If you win, nod slightly to those who are left in a blue funk — they suffer because of you. Just make sure your smile isn't too bright to incite bitter resentment in their broken hearts. If you lose, take the defeat gracefully. Always be a man/lady and shake the winners' hands, instead of gnashing and murmuring inside: Let them eat cake!

(2) Argue but do not quarrel. The exchange of sensible words is more deterrent than a real sword, so take a deep breath and calm your fretful nerves down. Remember: the best game is still yet to begin. As a debater, our aim is not to fight tooth and nail with the opposite team, but rather, to convince those fence-sitting audience who might flip flop at any teeny tiny slip of tongue.

(3) Focus but avoid "snow blindness". Sometimes, the answers are actually close to the surface of water while you are desperately cudgeling your brain for some smart ripostes. Smile and relax if you can; if not, at least make sure your facial muscle doesn't strain. Be ready to receive any ideas that pop up along the way — great chance they are perfectly inspired, and thus incredibly handy.

So missing those good old days...

What a stark and sarcastic contrast :-( Jessie is right now ENJOYING her staycation and quite sheltered(holed up...air air!)... There! I saw disgust and contempt written all over your face... Don't muffle it, too late already~~~

Still trying to figure lots of stuff out.

Anyone dropping by think of yourself as a natural for success? Don't play humble and write me a short reply. Make Jessie envy you...

In Taiwan, laziness is still all the rage. Duh!

Done rattling. Well, almost done...

See you later, alligator