Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Am A Terrible Terrible Person

As said in the title.

I may use some real harsh chide right now. In some dark hours like this, I do need a wake-up call.

Stop presenting me on some holy absurd pedestal...Stop showering me with filigree or throwaway compliments. I certainly don't deserve them.

Bye vanity...S is gonna cast her face into the depth of the Pacific ocean.

To hell with “C'est la vie”! Life is to be built with real efforts. Glories belong to people who don't let laziness get the upper hand of them.

Tell me how bad I am if you know me, PLEASE... My skype name is Sarahq1987. I will be hugely thankful if someone could drop me a message and pour on me some cold water.

I hate getting intense when I'm socializing with lots of people but that happens. I hate perfectionists while I am one of them. I hate being romance-proof yet I can't find myself a boyfriend. So for sure I know I myself am hateful enough...

Go find me and teach me a lesson.

Do my words sound beseeching enough?

You never know how grateful I can be. Wake me up and save me...


Anonymous said...

Time to wake up SarahQ....all this time you were loved and never knew it. Sometimes it takes a bear to rattle the woods loud enough for the wildlife to realize it was not wildlife at all. Chin up, shoulders back..Bear