Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Will Walk Away

I get tired of people easily, and probably it is also true the other way round...

I suck like hell.

I feel bad about not being able to keep my love toward someone fresh for a long time. It languishes before you can say jack robbinson.

I am an unfeeling bitch.

I need preservatives for my love life.

I hurt people but always feel I myself am the victim.

I know how stupid this sounds but I will walk away from you, all of you...

Sorry I just don't have that casual manner when it comes to love; sorry that Sarah is too vulnerable so she always arms herself wit armor and plate mail.

She is fragile. She is timid. She is horrible. She is just so sorry...

I love you.

But I will walk away...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Teeeeeerry, You Know I HEART You

The video perhaps says much more than I could ever do. So click on the link below(In case it doesn't load on blogspot).

Please... Nobody in the world will deny the chance to share the happiness of a girl overwhelmed with joy!

It's gonna be my B-day soon, by soon I mean VERY! Merely three days to go... My very sweet guy friend Terry sent me a sweet bunch of flowers from the states and it was a pure surprise God himself could ever design for any human beings... I looooooooved it!

By the way, Sarah's real name(If you know me for a while) is Jessie, and Terry's first nam is Joe, so we are group J&J!

Surprises!!! Halleluyah to a blessed girl on her big day!

Mind joining me and tangoing?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More People Out There! Jump On the Bandwagon and Dance!

I was lucky enough yesterday... First, Rosel asked me to have dinner with her at a lovely fancy restaurant called Oogenlust. The building design is quite unique which resembles an European medieval chateau. The beautiful scenery definitely worked on my appetite and I felt like eating the whole plate up if no one was gonna stop me..
Later on, Brendan talked to me on MSN and agreed to give me some advice on how to improve my writing skills. Thanks, you China-hugger!

Admittedly, I am always attracted to new things. My inspiration mushrooms each time I bump into something different, or unheard of. Rumor has it that Sarah was raised only to believe in strangers, because they taste oddly fresh and comfortably unfamiliar... Usually I never plan before any of my trips. They are deliberately made random. Part of the reason is that way it makes me feel the whole world is out there waiting to surprise me. Yeah, again, surprise, women' achilles heel.

If you know me well, you probably should have figured out what I am up to. Well, yes, S is gonna contribute some articles to a magazine. The exact name and content are still confidential. hahaha. Don't worry, the yearning to know or any other kind of curiosity won't burn you at heart, as long as you play safe. I've spilled some beans already so the rest of information, if desired, is left for yourselves to explore, barehandedly.

Still shilly shally as for which unis I should apply for. Any recommendations? Just you know, you are always more than welcome to contact me, for I enjoy talking to people I dont already know, hehe and of course as well as those I do know well. Perhaps I will finally take your advice and go to a uni that is incredibly near your own location, so what might happen next? Only God knows!

Currently in a desperate mood to become retro.

I love and miss you all.


Monday, April 13, 2009

the Debate Season Is Coming Around

Last year today, I was an elated&lucky BRAT who had just made herself into the national debating competition final. Logic, as has shaped people's values during their cognitive developments, constantly tingles my soul and brings out the best in me.

I heard you. But NAH, I am a GIRL. Who says the world of reasoning is only the private realm of, MEN?

Those pitched debating battles I've experienced have engraved on my mind some invaluabe "technical know-how":

(1) For the most part, sincerely expressed respect is all it takes to keep a rival's momentum afloat. There are no glorious victors unless it is a close game and hard fought.

(2) Surprisingly, the anger of your opponents can be easily appeased with you allowing him or her to disagree.

(3) The closer you approach the core of an issue, the more easily you get lost.

Hence, to be a great debater, we must

(1) Differ with polite sophistication. If you win, nod slightly to those who are left in a blue funk — they suffer because of you. Just make sure your smile isn't too bright to incite bitter resentment in their broken hearts. If you lose, take the defeat gracefully. Always be a man/lady and shake the winners' hands, instead of gnashing and murmuring inside: Let them eat cake!

(2) Argue but do not quarrel. The exchange of sensible words is more deterrent than a real sword, so take a deep breath and calm your fretful nerves down. Remember: the best game is still yet to begin. As a debater, our aim is not to fight tooth and nail with the opposite team, but rather, to convince those fence-sitting audience who might flip flop at any teeny tiny slip of tongue.

(3) Focus but avoid "snow blindness". Sometimes, the answers are actually close to the surface of water while you are desperately cudgeling your brain for some smart ripostes. Smile and relax if you can; if not, at least make sure your facial muscle doesn't strain. Be ready to receive any ideas that pop up along the way — great chance they are perfectly inspired, and thus incredibly handy.

So missing those good old days...

What a stark and sarcastic contrast :-( Jessie is right now ENJOYING her staycation and quite sheltered(holed up...air air!)... There! I saw disgust and contempt written all over your face... Don't muffle it, too late already~~~

Still trying to figure lots of stuff out.

Anyone dropping by think of yourself as a natural for success? Don't play humble and write me a short reply. Make Jessie envy you...

In Taiwan, laziness is still all the rage. Duh!

Done rattling. Well, almost done...

See you later, alligator

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Am A Terrible Terrible Person

As said in the title.

I may use some real harsh chide right now. In some dark hours like this, I do need a wake-up call.

Stop presenting me on some holy absurd pedestal...Stop showering me with filigree or throwaway compliments. I certainly don't deserve them.

Bye vanity...S is gonna cast her face into the depth of the Pacific ocean.

To hell with “C'est la vie”! Life is to be built with real efforts. Glories belong to people who don't let laziness get the upper hand of them.

Tell me how bad I am if you know me, PLEASE... My skype name is Sarahq1987. I will be hugely thankful if someone could drop me a message and pour on me some cold water.

I hate getting intense when I'm socializing with lots of people but that happens. I hate perfectionists while I am one of them. I hate being romance-proof yet I can't find myself a boyfriend. So for sure I know I myself am hateful enough...

Go find me and teach me a lesson.

Do my words sound beseeching enough?

You never know how grateful I can be. Wake me up and save me...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

When I Feel Hungry

A texted me the other day, asking,"Haven't heard from ya for a while.. Did your high cholesterol get you?" My head went all blank at that moment in time and then some annoying thoughts flashed back —— Well, admit it S, you are sick.

Yeah, delicious scoop, isn't it? I am SICK. The number of my cholesterol level poses itself as a looming threat to my health, if not, my entire life. Subconsciously, I might have told myself millions of times that both the creamy sesame paste and the oily hotpot are very likely to boost my blood fat, when had too much, yet my mind was clogged enough to dictate any salubrious changes. Eight packs of sesame cream per day + three meals(including a hotpot dinner)= 4000 Cal... Guys, have I told you that Sarah used to be nothing but an idiotic person with bonkers ideas? The moment we got the news, on my old folks' faces immediately showed some overwhelming anxiety while I was trying to mask my own. It's my stinky mess and I have to clear it up, myself.

One month and a half has passed and every day of it was spent with me calculating Cals of food and making exquisite choices of what I should eat and what not. Life suddenly became more energy consuming and brain racking.. S, you definitely need to take care of yourself now, otherwise it's almost dead cinch that you will end up in hospital, sobbing in those so-called safe hands. No,NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!

During the spring break, I stayed in Taipei with a friend's family for four days. It was a purely pleasant memory. We danced at Lava, one famous night club there and had plenty of fun. My lately purchased camera did a wonderful job in taking snapshots. Later on I'm gonna post several pics here in case someone is interested. A little warning in advance: Sarah is still a rookie at making up —— I even forgot to paint my eyebrows @ Lava!

Just back from a convenience store and bought some fruit, milk and oatmeal... What a nutrient diet! S is on her way to becoming a real princess, a slim beauty with royal glamor!